Sunday, June 26, 2011

18th Six Sentence Sunday, the Reverend Uncle Walt Factor

From Bride of the Living Dead, at a wedding planning session with Oscar’s teenaged sisters and very conservative mother, Deb. Daria and Sky’s mother mentions that her brother Walt is a minister who could perform the ceremony.

             "Your brother is a minister?" Deb said smiling at Mom as if that couldn’t be bad, not knowing us well enough to grasp that I was repressing a naughty smile, and Sky’s mouth was flattening down to a distressed line. "What kind of church is it?" she asked, looking from one of us to the other, confused.
            "It’s small, kind of hard to explain," I chimed in, knowing how fond our mother was of her brother and how hard she tried very hard to include him in family gatherings whenever she could, which was difficult because Uncle Walt was very shy and quite possibly insane. I liked my uncle, and I was warming to the idea of having him performing the ceremonies.
            "It’s not a large congregation, even if you count the garter snakes and lizards," Sky said softly, leaning back, crossing her arms and looking up to the ceiling as if pleading for divine intervention.

For more snippets check out the main site Six Sunday where 140 writers this week are joining in the fun, writing in a wide variety of genres.


  1. Well, this certainly would add some excitement to the wedding. Nice six!

  2. haha! Love this! Could be an interesting ceremony.

  3. "It’s small, kind of hard to explain," I chimed in, knowing how fond our mother was of her brother and how hard she tried very hard to include ...
    Yes she would want to include him - love it! Wonder if the ceiling gave inspiration... Fab six

  4. LMAO, fab six...oh you do make me laugh!

  5. I love your quirky characters! There's one in every family, but this brother sounds like a real doozy.

  6. I love how this gets crazier every week. I hope the wedding is beautiful for such a great couple.

  7. Thanks, Jessica S. and Bree! You're right, it's definitely heading for an interesting wedding.

    Thanks, sassyspeaks, that is the thing about weddings--all those variously crazy relatives to deal with!

    JoAnne, you made my day! Thanks! On the best days I live to make people laugh.

    Sandy, thanks! More about Uncle Walt next week.

    Thanks, Jessica K, the craziness is just beginning, but Oscar and Daria do love each other, so there is hope!

  8. Thanks, Lindsay aka murdersandmysteries! It was fun to swap and I loved Target Identified...rave continued on Amazon and Goodreads!

  9. LOL, sounds like fun. I love mystery novels with a sense of humor. I'll have to check yours out.

  10. This uncle sounds like a right character! Great snippet!

  11. Oh yes - please let him do the wedding! Great six :)

  12. Thanks, Marie, getting to LOL is always my goal. I hope you enjoy!

  13. Glad you enjoyed Uncle Walt, Gayle and Chantal (aka wearegoingonawitchhumt)! More Uncle Walt and other family madness to come!

  14. You create a great voice in my head. Great six! Thank you.

  15. lol, loved the insane comment. Nothing like attending a wedding officiated over by an insane minister. I've been to one with a drunk priest. It was quite. . . .entertaining lol

  16. Oh God I think I know this family. I love this story. It gets better every week. Keep 'em coming Lynne. Great six as always!

  17. A belated welcome, Alix, thanks for the encouraging comment!

    A drunk priest, Trish, that does sound fun for those who enjoy dysfunction (I do)! When it's family a little insanity sometimes comes with the rest of the package. Thanks for commenting!

    Thanks for the encouraging words, Gem! More nutty family stuff next week.
