Saturday, November 12, 2011

37th Six Sentence Sunday - Arising at Dusk...With Coughing

From The Falstaff Vampire Files. Kristin Marlowe watches in shock as the crate in the deserted shed...opens and an old man emerges.

He was huge. Tall and broad, with unruly white hair and beard, though his face seemed startlingly pale when paired with the reddened cheeks and nose of a serious drinker. He wore an ancient, old-fashioned long underwear shirt that might have been World War II army surplus. He gave one last wracking cough, then took a deep breath and turned to regard me with eyes that were bleary, but bright blue, not bloodshot.

"A vision of womanliness," he said in a thick, English accent. Even with all my Public Television viewing, I couldn't place its location in the British Isles.

For more fun in six sentence doses, check out the other writers participating at Six Sentence Sunday


  1. I think I'd be out of there before he had the chance to speak. Nice six! :)

  2. It's always nice to get a compliment, but I think I'd still beat it for the hills! Great six, Lynne. :)

  3. like a drinker? coughing? lol - such an image. Love it

  4. Very descriptive and a great six. However, I don't think I would be hanging around to try to figure out the accent! ;)

  5. Jessica, Siobhan/Meg & Carly, thanks! I agree that flight would be a better option, think the vampire pheromones keep potential blood donors frozen in their tracks! Also some of us turn to jelly in the presence of a British accent...

    Thanks, Sassy, I wanted a different kind of vampire!

  6. Wonderfully descriptive, awesome build up. Great six, Thank you.

  7. Awesome six and very spooky. I look forward to seeing what you have for us next Sunday! Have a great week!
