Sunday, November 27, 2011

39th Six Sentence Sunday, a Meeting in the Shed

From The Falstaff Vampire Files, Kristin Marlowe meets a strange man, emerging from what had seemed to be an empty crate in the shed beind her ex-lover's house. The huge, deep-voiced man has an unusually hypnotic effect on her. Rather than run, she stays to hear him say:

"Fair mistress, what name shall I call you?" The exotic flavor of the words and his deep rumbling voice somehow didn’t fit with a crate in a garage, yet he seemed perfectly at home.

"I'm Kristin," I managed to say, "and you are?"

He cleared his throat. "Jack Falstaff with my familiars, John with my brothers and sisters, and Sir John with all Europe. At your service, my lady."

For more fun in six-sentence snippets check out the dozens of writers at Six Sunday.


  1. I love..I always start with I love when I read your work. Lets try again..I thoroughly enjoyed the characterisation you brought into his introduction. Fantastic six!

  2. Well, maybe he's not so scary. We'll see. LOL A great six! :)

  3. Oh, I love his genteel answers and I still don't trust him any further than I can throw him. Great six, Lynne! :)

  4. She hasn't a clue does she? good introduction

  5. Thanks Alix, Jessica,Dee, Siobhan/Meg and Sassy! Sir John has definitely mastered the art of disarming. I've always thought a vampire with con man skills stood a better chance of surviving over the centuries.

  6. So let's see which one she's going to fall under, or if she get a category all to herself. Thanks for sharing!

  7. So where does she fit into that address system? Very well-mannered for a man who lives in a crate. As usual, great six!

  8. Vivien and Gem, good point what does she get to call him--LOL!

    Thanks for the comments!

  9. Great dialogue! Intrigued to know what she will call him, too! :D

  10. Thanks, Gayle! Their relationship is definitely going to another level soon.
