Sunday, May 8, 2011

12th Six Sentence Sunday - apartment anxiety

From Bride of the Living Dead, Daria and Oscar have just decided to get married when Daria's sister, Sky, shows up unexpectedly at Daria's old apartment. At first Sky reacts with sarcasm when told about the engagement, then she becomes surprisingly clingy in her congratulations.
            "We just came over to get more of my stuff," I told Sky. "I don't think you've seen my place here."
            "I’m sure I would have remembered," Sky said, her attitude surfacing again.
            "Sky can get traumatized by my decorating attempts," I said to Oscar as I unlocked the pine-paneled door, hoping a smoke screen of words would distract my sister from any socks or old T-shirts that might be adorning the furniture.
            Sky walked into the apartment and looked around with an expression of horror last seen on Dante on arriving at the ninth circle of hell. For the first time, I saw it through her eyes.

For more fun in six sentence snippets check out the links to writers exploring a wide variety of genres at


  1. Uh-oh! I wonder what the room looks like. Intriguing!

  2. I can tell there's a lot going on here, secrets hiding in the shadows. Thought provoking six!

  3. Love the comparison to Dante. Intriguing six!

  4. Bit of incriminating clothing? Perhaps a total slob. Have to come back to find out. :) Great six!

  5. Nice six and I do love the comparison to Dante

  6. How bad could it be ? hmmm now my imaginatioin running away - intriguing

  7. Wonderful as always. I know the feeling of seeing my mess through some one else's eyes for the first time. Pretty horrifying!

  8. Jessica and Jenna, thanks! Shining a spotlight on dark corners next time.

    Thanks, Gayle and Liz, Dante might be shocked by her apartment too!

    Gem and Sassyspeaks, thanks! Dust bunnies? Dust buffalos? Naughtiness? Answers to come.

    Thanks, Rebecca, Carolyn and Kim, more on my "lucky 13th Sunday post"!

    Jessica, thanks for the kind words! Also you make a good point--some things mortal man (or control freak sister) were not meant to see!

  9. Is the apartment that bad. Love the six

  10. The characterization of the sister is spot on.

  11. Apartment madness next Sunday, thanks, Lindsay!

    Thanks, Taryn!

  12. The sister's characterization has been so interesting these past couple of excerpts!

  13. I can't wait to see this room! Please say you'll describe it next Sunday.

  14. Thanks, Laura, the sister conflicts were fun to write--probably because I don't have a sister!

    Sandy, thanks for the kind words--'m definitely describing the room next time!

  15. Thanks, JoAnne, encouraging words much appreciated!

  16. The room must be pretty bad or good , depending on your viewpoint

  17. Good point, Jayel, it's all in how you look at it. Thanks for stopping by to comment!
