Sunday, May 15, 2011

13th week of six sentence sunday - the naked apartment

From Bride of the Living Dead. Rebellious indie film critic Daria has just got engaged to Oscar and received a surprise visit from her perfectionist sister, Sky. Oscar has seen her studio apartment before and never seemed shocked, but Daria dreads her sister's reaction to seeing her place for the first time.

One room, cramped and shabby with a tiny stove standing next to a counter and barely enough room for a dorm-sized refrigerator. A microwave oven, small sink and drain board faced a thin dividing counter with a wooden chair pushed up to it, completing the galley kitchenette.
Why hadn't I noticed that the floor sloped down a little from the kitchen to the twin bed and the chest of drawers at the foot of it holding a small television and disk player?
I kept the window that faced the back yard closed but Sky peeked out and said, "Bonsai."
            "My landlords, the Yamazakis, raise them."
            Oscar was watching me without saying a word, but I got the feeling he was seeing my place through Sky’s eyes too, and suddenly I didn’t want to stay here any longer.
For lots more action of all kinds check out the excerpts from other writers covering a wide variety of genres at


  1. Yeah, it is interesting to see familiar things through someone else's eyes. But it's not always a good thing! Great six!

  2. Very good description. I had that icky feeling I get when my relatives visit and discreetly look over our place.

  3. That sounds like a really tiny place. Nice six!

  4. I can totally see the room and feel her sudden revulsion. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Great evocative description, and I felt so bad for her embarrassment, especially about how her sister's reaction might affect Oscar's perception.

  6. He cares what her place looks like ? I can relalte - my house is a shambles :D

  7. Gayle and Gem--good point! It's, one thing to have a funky apartment, another to have it in front of hostile witnesses thanks!

    Jessica, tiny yet until that moment, satisfactory to Daria! Thanks!

    Roberta and Laura, that's the kicker, her sister makes no secret of her views...but Oscar? Thanks!

    Good point, Sassyspeaks, will Sky's view change Oscar's relationship with Daria? Thanks!

    Thanks, Rebecca, so true!

  8. Poor Daria. It's hard to have our satisfactory lives judged unsatisfactory by others.

  9. Aww, poor Daria. I like that Sky's imagined reaction is changing not only her perception, but also Oscar's.

  10. Poor Daria. So painful to imagine *everyone* is thinking the worst of you.

  11. Good job. I enjoyed the read, thank you for posting it.


  12. Thanks, Jessica, Ada and Susanna for sympathizing with Daria! Some insights into Sky's plight (which impacts on Daria directly) next week.

    Allure, thanks for stopping by and commenting, glad you enjoyed it!

  13. Great description of where she lives. Kind of reminds me of a place I use to inhabit.
