Sunday, May 22, 2011

14th week of six sentences - Sky explains

From Bride of the Living Dead, Oscar and Daria have just got engaged when her perfectionist sister Sky makes a surprise visit. After a stressful tour of Daria's extremely unimpressive apartment, the three end up at a local diner:

            Sky took a sip of coffee, leaned back and said, "Richard cheated on me, I left him and I've taken a leave of absence from Slavedrivers." That was Sky’s nickname for Slavin, Drovers, Nesmith, the law firm she had worked at for the past several years.
            "Oh, Sky, I’m so sorry, though I can’t say I was ever one of Richard’s greatest fans…" For a second all I could think was how it must double the pain for Sky to see me so deliriously in love, so I concluded, "I’ve never known you to take a vacation."
            Sky leaned toward Oscar, "You see the perils of overwork--Daria’s not surprised when my marriage goes down the tubes, but if I take a couple of weeks off work, she’s stunned."
            "I understand," Oscar said solemnly.

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  1. What an awesome commentary on life you slid in there in the marriage/job comparison. Wonderful six.

  2. LMAO at Slavedrivers! I really want to read this in its entirety!

  3. Love the nickname of the law firm. Excerpt reveals more of the sister's relationship. Nice six!

  4. What a lovely writer's voice you have, from the great name choices, the humor and show of how a job can control your life, oh yeah, I'd flip the pages.

  5. I love how your six tells so much about the sisters' relationship. Good job!

  6. Yep - we've all worked for that firm and some time. Almost glad I don't have a sister!

  7. The lawfirm's nickname is fantastic! Great job!

  8. very revealing snippet. I hope Sky will leave Oscar alone...

  9. Thanks, Gem, encouraging words I happened to need, them having stumbled into a snarky nest of amazon reviews--shouldn't have peeked at those puppies, I know!

    Jenna, thanks! Getting people to laugh is one of my major goals and tempting people to read the rest is another--LOL!

    Jessica, thanks. I enjoyed writing the sisters' give and take.

    Arlene, much appreciation for the comment, I'm always hoping to keep people turning pages and having fun doing it!

    Thanks, bglashbrooks, writing about the sisters was fun for me!

    Interesting, sassyspeaks, I don't have a sister either and my brother is much younger, but I've learned a lot from friends and other relatives!

    Thanks, Sarah! It's so tempting to make up law firm names that I try to restrain myself, though sometimes one can't resist, e.g. in another book I used Wolfe, Savage & Steele, specializing in divorce law.

  10. Good point, Jessica, thanks! Sky's in loose cannon mode here.

  11. Lynne, I absolutely, completely love this piece. It made me literally laugh outloud. Poor sister, trying her hardest to do the right thing, and manager her own emotions, and just stuck her foot right into her mouth. Bless all three of them.

  12. He said solemnly but I bet there was a touch of myrth in his voice

  13. I continue to enjoy your voice and character interactions.

  14. Thanks, Lauri, I appreciate being able to share the characters!

    Very insightful, Lindsay, Oscar's got a dry wit!

    Thank you, Susanna!

  15. The law firm thing was genious! And I liked the distinction between the marriage and the work!

  16. Thanks, Jayel and Laura! Google decided not to recognize me for a day so it took some time to accept my comment reply!
